The Intertidal Compass: Navigating Transient Architectures of Tidal Whenua

Exploring the tidal zone of Weymouth Beach, Manukau Harbor. (Photograph by Author courtesy of Leo Sukhang)

Tēnā koutou katoa

Ko Ingarangi, Ko Kōtirana, Ko Hāmoa (Fa’atoia)
te whakapaparanga mai

Ko Manurewa te whenua tupu
Ko Aotearoa te kāinga
Ko Evelina Lolesi au

Tēnā tātou katoa


Greetings to you

My ancestry is English, Scottish and Samoan

I grew up in Manurewa
New Zealand is my home
My name is Evelina Lolesi

Tēnā tātou katoa