Regeneration of a Waterborne Village

Chew Jetty, an informal settlement sitting along the coast of Georgetown in the state of Penang, Malaysia, was a trading hub in the early 19th century in the era of the British occupation. The importance of the Jetty and its people played a large role in the development and modernization of the state, however over time the prospect of their work slowly faded, and they were eventually neglected to fit in the modern age. The Jetty is a UNESCO heritage site that has a rich cultural identity with an enduring history that has almost fallen prey to modern development because of its low-socioeconomic status
The thesis explores and proposes viable solutions to improve the social, economic, and environmental issues of the community by implementing design methods that would be easily built and locally sourced. The design solutions also address the vulnerability of dwellings to climate change, the poor economic system it’s currently struggling in, and improvements to the overall quality of living with the aim of preserving its cultural identity and sense of belonging.