One of these is not like the other

This thesis presented an opportunity to push the limits of craft in architectural practice and to act on an ever-present desire to know more about printmaking. This collation of drawings allowed me to gain confidence in applying this exploration of a methodology to a changing landscape and to subvert the conventional use of drawing as an architectural practice.
Carrying the printed line across three distinct printmaking methods; woodblock, monoprinting, and intaglio. All valuing uncertainty within the site it sits.
Awaroa Inlet is one of many coastlines threatened by our changing climate in Aotearoa. The erosion of the bank facing the ever shifting sand banks and channels has lost 10 metres of land in the past 6 years. With the proposal and ongoing construction of a sea wall, this thesis unpacks my own relationship to how I, as a maker, visitor, and observer leave a mark on our changing landscapes.