Low-Damage Envelope Design for Multi-Storey Timber Buildings in Seismic Prone Regions

Lydia Tseng

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This thesis introduces a strategy to remodify only corner parts of existing seismic curtain walls, which can make panels slide in a controlled manner without breaking. Through three-dimensional analysis, seismic issues at the corners of slidable rigid panels were identified and visualised. This issue has been solved by redesigning corner mullions and adding corner angles. This strategy is applicable to both small and large, rigid unitised panels. It only requires slidable plug-in joints and special corner components to be adopted, thus enabling the design of façades to be flexible. The ability to accommodate drifts also brings environmental benefits through avoiding new carbon emissions created by replacement after earthquakes.

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In response to climate change, there is an urgent need to develop sustainability in societies through architectural approaches. As increasing populations concentrate in urban areas, multi-storey buildings mitigate the pressure on land. Timber is an alternative material with renewability and lower embodied energy that can replace concrete and steel. Innovative construction technologies have driven mass timber buildings into markets.


Earthquakes are a critical factor that influence the durability of buildings, possibly causing demolition and replacement at a large scale. The idea of low-damage design for seismic control has become preferable to prevent elements from breaking or provide repairability. Extensive damages on secondary envelopes have been observed in several earthquakes. The primary factor causing their damage was recognised as inter-storey drifts. In order to reduce the damage, this thesis focused on low-damage design for secondary envelopes composed of unitised panels, which can accommodate a maximum of 2.5% inter-storey drift without breaking.

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