Two Worlds: The Hybrid Biome

Harry Lee

Modos Harry Lee Intro Image 01
The hybrid city

Sea level rise (SLR) is an ongoing contemporary issue affecting the global population and various eco-systems, attributed to climate change with effects dating back to the late 1800s. Numerous coastal cities are already experiencing temporarily intrusive waterflow into urban streets through seasonal events, or alternatively, are facing permanent changes to the land’s natural environment. A closer look at Auckland City reveals the potential for coastal inundation as predicted by researchers estimating land to fall below sea level by 2050 without drastic intervention.

This thesis examines finding a place in a rapidly changing climate as a modern ‘Architect’. By blurring the edges between land and sea, the design will tackle the current disengagement between the urban and ocean biome to find a new hybrid biome exhibiting a dynamic system that allows both to co-exist.

Modos Harry Lee Main Full Size Image
Two Worlds: The Hybrid Biome

The final act oversees the culmination of the ascension process of the coral reef,
distinctly separated by three core stages, the outer reef, the reef crest, and the inner reef. The outer reef oversees increased populations of marine species, forming
various habitats and encroaching further into the built environment.
By creating the environment we are forced to adapt and acclimate to the
environment around us, and build on top of what's existing. We can therefore
create a new hybrid environment.
The hero image displays a collage of stitched together 'moments' zooming into
different parts of hybrid Auckland, where it displays a hypothetical future with
submerged parts of the city.
The hybrid biome features a mix of the urban and ocean boundary to combine
both worlds intruding on each other.
"The final act: framework overview" depicts Auckland city at the epi-centre of the hybrid biome, exhibiting
both urban and ocean living in a combined space. Each 'moment' represents a
key scene in Auckland city - Queen st, the train station, Auckland waterfront, the
ferry building, and an urban living scene. 

Modos Harry Lee Side Image
The final act: framework overview
Modos Harry Lee Main Moment
The final act: Keystone moment one
Modos Harry Lee Moments 02
The final act: Keystone moment two and three
Modos Harry Lee Moments 01
The final act: Keystone moment four and five
Modos Harry Lee Close Up
The final act: Keystone moment one micro view
Modos Harry Lee Close Up 02
The final act: Keystone moment two micro view