Manuhaea: a place of spoken memory

Dsc 0024

This thesis is driven by ideas of memory and place. 

Te Whare-Wanaka is an architectural proposition designed around the rituals of storytelling and explores how architecture can help a place's memory speak.

Places bear traces of their past – things embedded in the landscape that can speak to people of a place’s memory. Some traces are more muted than others, but through architecture we may begin to help them speak and be heard. So, how can architecture help a place’s memory speak?  

Bailey Nolet Boastshed
"I descend into the waters of Lake Hāwea and into the shadow."
Dsc 0088 2
Scan Roof X Axo
A roof to contain the shadow.

This question is explored in the context of Manuhaea: a sacred place located between lakes Hāwea and Wānaka in the Southern Interior – the region I call home. This research uncovers a story of Manuhaea – a spoken memory developed through oral tradition and passed on through the minds of generations before being entrusted to me. Not only does this story provide insight into Manuhaea’s past, it frames the spoken word as an intangible trace of a place’s memory just as potent, if not more so, than tangible traces. 

Bailey Nolet Hero Landscape
"After following the tuna heke up the valley through the long grass we have arrived."

Crafted around the rituals of kōrero (storytelling), ‘Te Whare Wānaka’ provides ground for the traces of Manuhaea’s memory to be encountered. It is a place of opportunity for people united by their connection to Manuhaea, to share their story and spend time together in the lands of their narratives. Ultimately, ‘Te Whare Wānaka’ is dedicated to helping Manuhaea’s memory be spoken and heard.

Dsc 00082 2
A floor to suspend the narratives.
Bailey Nolet Korero
Bailey Nolet Camp
"The doors are open, I must cross the tuna heke to accept their embrace."
Korero Final 1 Interior 2
"We dwell in the darkness, amid the shadow of Manuhaea's memory."
26 Kai Dining Day
Bailey Nolet Kai Mornin
"The Wharekai is open, letting the land join us for breakfast."